Rafles Nursery & Pre-school is situated in the idyllic green belt grounds of the Rosedale Sports Club. We can accommodate 85 children aged three months to five years
Set in the backdrop of the sports ground, Rafles Nursery & Pre-school can provide your child’s inquisitive minds access to playing fields nature walks, and a sensory garden all on its doorstep.
Rafles Nursery and Preschool is an environment designed to promote curiosity and wonder. A place that creates a cosy, homely and secure environment where each child is valued and individuality is celebrated.
We believe in creating an environment for children where respect, kindness, love and empathy are valued. Where children are provided with opportunities to build their confidence, taught to preserve, and bounce back with resilience.
We believe in giving all children the opportunity to experience and explore different ways of thinking, the opportunity to apply their skills and learn to problem solve and the opportunity to be creative.
At Rafles Nursery and Preschool children will be encouraged to spend a large amount of time outdoors, where learning and exploration will continue, allowing children to learn to manage and deal with risks and the elements.
Above all else, children will be encouraged to be happy and make the most of the opportunities available to them, working in close partnership with parents.